Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Lack of discussion

Although the SSB tax has not been directly addressed in the media as much as other issues, I believe the tax has stirred up a big discussion politically. Behind the scenes, there are politicians that are both for and against the tax. However, there are not a lot of politicians running for the upcoming elections openly supporting the tax. Politicians are smart enough to not campaign for the SSB tax because they know they won’t be elected if they plan to impose an additional tax. Americans feel as if we are being taxed to death.
Politicians currently in office, such as Governor Robertson in New York, play a bigger role in the support of the tax. Interestingly enough, he is not running for the upcoming elections. Kirstin Gillibrand is a supporter of fighting childhood obesity and programs advocating healthier lifestyles. It is very likely that she will fight for an SSB tax if she gets elected. However, she is currently remaining neutral on the subject. The other person running for Governor in New York, Chuck Schumer, refuses to comment on the tax. I find this interesting because it reinforces my idea that politicians always have plans that aren’t mentioned before they get elected. They only want to stand for things they know will get them elected by citizens. An SSB tax is just another tax, which is something all Americans do not want.

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