Friday, October 29, 2010


Food democracy provides statistics involving soft drinks, ranging from obesity to consumption to revenue generated.
Pediatrics displays the outcome of a study that researched the effects of decreasing soda consumption which proves that SSBs do affect health.
The New York Academy of Medicine is leading a petition to impose the SSB tax, which is supported by hundreds of other organizations and citizens. They bluntly list their evidence that supports their argument.
This eclectic research brief provides evidence that SSBs are a trigger for unhealthiness and delves into the promising outcome of imposing a tax.
Target Population shows the potential correlation between the efficiency of cigarette tax and an SSB tax.
Dairy Makes Sense proves there are healthier and cheaper options than soda such as milk or water.
Wikipedia’s definition of excise and state taxes differentiated the two to allow further understanding of the SSB tax.
Economists present an unbiased approach of analyzing all aspects of the SSB tax.
Politicians currently running for office smartly refuse to acknowledge their support for the SSB tax.
Bellows and Roach explain how the nutritional choices made directly affect health not only weight-wise.

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