Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Before completing this blog, my stance on the taxation of SSBs was biased because I have not consumed an SSB in a while- I can’t even recall when the last time was. I haven’t consumed SSBs for years because I knew they were unhealthy and the taste wasn’t always desirable. I solely drink milk and water.  Now that I have been thoroughly researching this topic for about a month, I have found evidence to enhance my support of reducing the consumption of SSBs and also sufficient reasons to tax SSBs. I examined the implications of consuming SSBs such as obesity and the struggle of the government to pay for healthcare.  I came to the conclusion that although taxation is something undesirable, this tax would change the dynamics of our country in a beneficial way. Primarily I thought the tax would just decrease consumption. The more websites I visited, the more I read about the impact taxes can have. Tax would bring in sufficient revenue for the government. The generated revenue could be used for educational programs to reduce childhood obesity or healthcare. Following the example of the cigarette tax, the SSB tax would be just as successful. The nutritional value of SSBs is just as empty as a pack of cigarettes. Researching has also broadened my knowledge of the difference between excise and state taxes. Excise taxes are taxes on the production of goods while state taxes are taxes imposed when a consumer purchases products. The issue of taxing SSBs is more complex than I originally thought. The analysis post forced me to explore the opposing side. Although avid drinkers of SSBs make arguments against the tax, they are just as biased as mine and sometimes not as logical because their lives revolve around the consumption of sugary drinks to make it through the day. If they researched as thoroughly as I have, their opinions and choices would perhaps be impacted.

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