Friday, October 1, 2010

Should the government get involved?

Just had a rigorous workout? Grab a Gatorade. Just pulled an all-nighter studying for that midterm? Grab a Monster. Just sat down to watch the new Jersey Shore? Grab a Dr. Pepper. These beverages that are currently the answer are now being questioned. Some politicians and other influential groups are pushing for Sugar Sweetened Beverage taxes or SSB for short. SSBs include carbonated sodas, sweet teas, energy drinks, flavored water, and sports drinks.
The consumption of SSBs in America is astounding. Every year, 13.15 billion gallons of carbonated drinks are devoured... and that is only soda! It has detrimentally impacted the health of our country as a whole. I believe government intervention is needed in this situation because attempts to educate the public have not relieved America’s addiction. It is the government’s role to be concerned about the health and wellbeing of its citizens. The population is already overwhelmingly obese and overweight. The numbers keep climbing and something must be implemented to stop the growth of our waistlines. We can’t do this alone and action must be taken now before matters get worse.


  1. I'm glad you are concerned about others wellbeing, but i am going to have to take a stand against you on this one. the government is not our mothers, they do not need to be telling us what we can and cannot eat. i do agree that americans are getting a little on the hefty side, but that is a personal decision that cannot be blamed on others. i also think that, just as you pointed out, 13.15billion gallons of soda being drunk every year is a lot, therefor it generates a lot of revenue, so why wouldn't the government want in on that? people will continue drinking soda with or without a raise in price, it will just mean more money for the government to spend. like nicotine, caffeine is an addictive drug that people will pay to get. cigarettes cost tons of money, yet people still buy them, same will go for soda. Also some types of sugar are good, like in most sports drinks. if you are concerned about peoples health, you would have to ban the substance not just tax it. which will never happen

  2. Obviously we are unable to take care of ourselves because the matter is only getting worse. You may not be concerned about your health, but someone needs to be. This is my thought process.. American kids keep drinking SSB's, they will develop diabetes or other diseases related to obesity and some will have to rely on the government to get help buying their supplies. This is putting the government at a loss and it can be avoided. As for the revenue, only a certain amount of the money being generated from SSB purchases goes to the government whereas if they tax it, they will get even more. The prices of cigarettes has risen (watch for future posts dealing with this) but the number of smokers has declined. They are hoping this is what will happen if they tax SSBs. There are many studies that are saying sports drinks are not as good as we think they are and if you are concerned about 'good sugars' (which you said you aren't) then I suggest eating fruit. I agree banning the substance would never happen, I never said that it would. However, something needs to be done to help the increasingly obese population since we obviously can't deal with it ourselves.

  3. I am going to have to agree with Cooper D in the sense that it is not the government’s responsibility to intervene and decide what people should and should not drink. They definitely are not supposed to babysit us. I believe trying to implement government intervention completely contradicts what the government really should be doing which is ensuring our freedom. If someone wants to drink that Gatorade or Monster or Dr. Pepper then they have every right to do so.
    Should the government get involved? My answer: definitely not. At most, attempt to make consumers more aware of potential problems that drinking sugar sweetened beverages can cause.

  4. ommmmm ok cooper d. i think you should calm down with that "the governemnt is not our mothers" because technically they kinda ARE! they make rules and laws we must abide by so that we remain out of trouble and stay on a correct path towards greater flourishment of this country. last time i checked this is the FATTEST country in the WORLD! so i think a little guidance is needed from our "mother" and that taxing sugary drinks might decrease its use and increase more producivity towards positive actions like...idk...running. have fun with all of your sugary intake because thats not going to improve your health or well-being in the long run. k thanks
